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Success Stories - from Mr. M. K. Kumaran - His belief "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE" helped him

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

1. Do you know that Lifestyle change is the only solution for diabetes and not medicines?


2. What made you enroll and what were your expectations and aims when you joined

Prevento Health?

Came to know about ‘Prevento Health’ from your office which made me enroll myself. Since my mother was type-ii diabetic patient, i wanted to prevent myself from being affected of diabetes. Hence, i have joined Prevento Health, expecting to avoid being affected of diabetes in future.

3. Describe your duration of diabetes and how were you managing your blood glucose?

When I have joined Prevento Health, my HbA1c was 6.8. Prior to joining Prevento Health, I did not take care to manage my blood glucose level. Since i was serving in police department, I could not think about or find time to take care of my health. After my retirement from my service on 30th June 2019, i thought about taking care of my health. But for the past 10 years I have not used sugar while taking tea. I have used ‘sugar free’ pellets for seven years and added country sugar (நாட்டு சர்க்கரை) in a small quantity in tea for the past three years. I dislike coffee and always used to take tea only with the country sugar. I always dislike sweets and do not eat sweets since I am allergic to the ‘smell’ of ghee from my tender age.

4. What were the outcomes in terms of diabetic management for you before joining

Prevento Health’s Diabetes Treatment program?

My height is 160 cm and I have been maintaining a weight of between 63 and 64 kgs for past 20 years. Since I was very busy with my job, I did not go for morning or evening walks and glued to my computer for nearly 14 hours daily. Hence, I did not take much efforts to manage my diabetes.

5. Have you ever thought of such a remote treatment for diabetes as possible before

knowing about Prevento’s program?


6. Have you ever consulted a dietitian/physical activity/Stress counsellor for diabetes?


7. Do you visit a doctor for diabetes? How frequently before joining the program?


8. Have you ever thought that the actual solution for diabetes lies outside taking

medicines/insulin? If yes, what are they?

Yes. Diet control and regular exercises.

9. How was the support from team Prevento throughout the program?


10. What were the support from other arms of the program apart from diet? What do you feel

about their role in your overall diabetes treatment?

Videos & exercise programmes. (but I could not do the exercises given by physical activity consultant since I am a spondylolisthesis patient. But I am doing the activity of walking).

I think that their role is also very important in diabetes treatment.

11. What did you achieve from Prevento apart from reduction in HbA1c?


12. What challenges did you face during the program and how did you overcome those



13. How supportive were your family members throughout the course of the program?

The support from my family members (especially my wife) is excellent (as always).

14. How did team Prevento help you to overcome your challenges?

OUR PREVENTO TEAM’S HELP IS EXCELLENT IN ALL ASPECTS OF THE PROGRAM. In fact, our doctor prescribed me some medicines twice for my health problems through remote care

15. What did you like the most in the overall program?


16. How do you feel after being for more than 4 months in the program?


17. How much money were you spending on medicines/insulin/doctor consultations for your

diabetes treatment before joining the Prevento Health’s program. How much do you

spend on the same now? How do you feel now?

As I have stated earlier, I have not taken any efforts to take care of my diabetes before joining Prevento Health’s program.

18. What would you like to say to the viewers / people with diabetes about health, diabetes

and prevention?

Since diabetes is a chronic health disease, everyone should take efforts to prevent the same by following healthy diets and doing regular exercises.

19. Have you ever felt that you should have got access to such a program much earlier in your life? Why do you say this? Do you have any other family members who were/are affected by this deadly diabetes? Can you elaborate on the same?

Of course, I should have got access to such a program much earlier in my life. My mother was a type-ii diabetes patient (from her age of 55) and she used to take lot of medicines for her diabetes and she has used insulin daily for nearly five years from her age of 81 to 85 (till her death). Hence, I was contemplating about following a diabetes prevention program. But, did not take any efforts to go for the same since I am an ‘idler’ (சோம்பேறி). One of your men contacted me and informed me about this program which prompted me to join in the same.

20. How much of diabetic awareness have you gained over the last 3-4 months? How many

times is it more/less when compared with your knowledge on diabetes before joining the


Since my mother is a chronic diabetes patient, I have every awareness about diabetes before joining this program. But, I did not take much efforts to care of my health.

21. Do you feel that you would be able to follow the program and be continuously with

Prevento Health’s membership program even after the 100 days for the years to come?

If so, why? What difficulty would it remove from you? How do you feel, if we assume that

you are not in Prevento Health’s program for managing your diabetes? Will you do so?

I am sure that i will be able to follow the program by continuing the Prevento health’s membership program forever (with some concessions from your side – just a joke). Everyone needs the co-operation from his family to continue this programme and I am really proud to say that my wife, my son and my daughter in law are very helpful which makes me conducive and very comfortable to follow the same.

If I am not in your Prevento health’s program for managing my diabetes, i would have gone for medicines (like my mother).

22. Will you strongly agree that you will refer this program to your friends/family/public?

Of course. I have already been referring this program to my friends/ family/ public. Due to covid-19, I have not left my home for the past 100 days and could not contact anybody in person. I will refer this program to my friends when I happen to meet them in person and when the situation improves.

23. Are you aware of any other treatments for diabetes, which would have made such a

difference in treatment outcomes and treatment approach?

I have seen many videos regarding treatments for diabetes through Youtube. But I was not sure about the outcomes of those treatments.

24. Do you feel that your diabetes would have got better than Prevento health’s program

outcomes? If Yes/No, Why?


25. How do you consider Prevento Health in relation to your life - Part of my family / my

friend / just a service provider.

I consider Prevento health as a part of my family as well as my friend.

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1 Comment

Prevento Health
Jul 18, 2020

Re-sharing the Comments shared by Mr. S. Navin Kumar below, for this Success Story of Mr. M. K. Kumaran.

Mr. Navin Kumar - Thanks a lot for your kind words. We are visibly seeing the benefits, which we envisioned while starting this company, for the people who are affected by dreadful and mostly ignored "Silent Killer" Lifestyle disease Diabetes, Obesity, etc.

We are sure with good wishes from Champions like you, we will be able to reach more people who are entangled in this web of Life style diseases and spread happiness in their lives through Lifestyle transformation.

Live Long !!! Live Well !!!

Team Prevento Health

Redefining healthcare...

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